Help understanding document. Ana de Herrera (Juan Marin de Penaloza)

I need help understanding this document. I think it says Juan de Analis and Francisca de Herrera are the maternal grandparents, but then who are Diego Vasquez de Buendia and Juana Velasquez? Are they the great grandparents?

México, Jalisco, registros parroquiales, 1590-2022," database with images, FamilySearch(… : 28 June 2014), Guadalajara > Diócesis de Guadalajara > Capellanías 1685-1855 > image 517 of 615; parroquias Católicas (Catholic Church parishes), Jalisco.


Thank you Don and Manny! After many years of research it's not often I that find new ancestors. But with this information I have added ten ancestors spanning 4 generations going back to Martín de Rifarache and Sábina de Esquivel. So grateful for your research and generosity!

Un cordial saludo.

Austin Pérez



You’re welcome, Austin. Now I’m wondering if this Francisca de Herrera, who was married to Juan de Alanis, is the same Francisca Vasquez de Rifarache who was married to Gonzalo de Balli? I have 2 records that identify her as daughter of Diego Vasquez de Buendia cc Ana de Herrera, and as sister of Diego Vasquez de Buendia. On 18 Jul 1615, she gave power to her husband regarding her inheritance:…

Which continues on 18 Jul 1615:…

Manny Díez Hermosillo


I too was wondering the same.

From Google Books snippet view of "El ayer y el hoy de dos familias de fundadores, las familias Corona y Michel..."  it has Francisca de Rifarache married to Jerónimo de Valli "vecino de Guadalajara y del valle de Contla por Tlacotlán" and it goes on to quote from the book "Los protocolos de Rodrigo Hernández Cordero, 1585-1591...": "En dicho pueblo de Tlacotlán, en el dicho día y mes y año [8 de julio de 1615] y ante la dicha Justicia [don Juan de Hijar] y de mi [Jerónimo López de Rivera] pareció doña Francisca de Rifarache muger legítima de Jerónimo de Valli..."

It also goes on to say that Digoe Vásquez is brother of Francisca de Rifarache.

Some online genealogy trees have Jerónimo de Valli as brother of licenciado Juan Bautista Valli (b. ~1575) who married María de Estrada on 25 Feb. 1601 in Guadalajara.

From the "informaciones de moribus et vita" for Agustín Marín de Peñaloza it appears that Francisca de Rifarache and Francisca de Herrera are the same person thus it would appear that Francisca Rifarache/de Herrera remarried to Juan de Alanís. Or perhaps they are two different women (half sisters?). I did not find any information on Juan de Alanís, except the baptism record for his daughter Ana de Herrera which you mentioned in your previous post:

[al margen] Ana, hija de Juan Alaniz

En nueve de septiembre de [1]609 año, bautizó el racionero Juan de Porras, con licencia del cura el presbítero Francisco de Porras Farfan, a Ana, hija de Juan de Alaniz y de doña Francisca de Herrera, su mujer. Fueron sus padrinos don Diego de Padilla y doña Ana de la Mota, su mujer.

[¿El racionero?] Juan de Porras [rúbrica]

These families are new to me and I have much to research!

Thanks again!



According to testimonies, Ana de Herrera was daughter of Juan de Alanis cc Francisca de Herrera (, and granddaughter of Cap Diego Vasquez de Buendia cc Juana Velasquez, though it doesn’t say who these two were the parents of - Juan de Alanis or Francisca de Herrera? I’ve never seen “Alanis” among the immediate descendants of Diego Vasquez de Buendia cc Juana Velasquez, but I have seen “Herrera”: their son, Hernan Vasquez de Buendia was married to Ana (or Juana) de Herrera, who was daughter of Benito de Herrera and Doña Francisca de Rifarache (daughter of conquistador Martin Rifarache cc Sabina Esquivel, and whose second husband was Cristobal Ordoñez). From the timeline, this would make more sense. And then I notice that, on image 523, witness Francisco Flores de la Torre says “los bisabuelos maternos fueron vecinos de la siudad de guadalaxa y se llamaron hernan basques y doña ana de errera y el capitan dio basques de buendia y da jua belasques” - which looks like he’s naming both pairs of maternal great-grandparents, but I think he’s mistaken, and he’s naming the visabuelos AND tatarabuelos:…

Manny Díez Hermosillo