I would like to share my research and records and hopefully someone in the group can help fill in the holes where I only have on spouse named in a dispensation.
Jose Calletano Perez married to Maria Magdalena Chavez his son was Andres perez lived around Teocaltiche in late 1700s his son was Bonifasio perez Lived around "Calvillo" in the early 1800s his son w
while this document isn't related to my family tree since my ancestors did not come from the area mentioned in document i felt like sharing it since it may be useful to others.
I compiled a comprehensive list of the indexed films of the Guadalajara marriage dispensations to help track of which films have been indexed. The sources included are the following:
"Genealogía de Nochistlán antiguo reino de la Nueva Galicia en el siglo XVII según sus archivos parroquiales" my Libary here in TEXAS has a copy but only to use in the Libary.
Is there anyway to view either a digital copy or at least an index with parents names for records in towns such as colotlan, jerez, tepetongo, huejucar, or tlaltnenango.
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