I was going through baptismo records of year 1667 of pueblo Santa Catharina which is recorded in Mezquitic Catholic Church records and noticed the signatures of "Fray Marcos De Niza:
I have some copies of the sister of my GGGGGG Grandfather Joseph Madera (1684 - 1734). Her name is "Manuela Madera" Copy of her bautismo June 23, 1686:
Hello my name is Ernestina Hernandez Sierra. It has been awhile since I've worked on my family tree due to serious illness in the family. Currently I am researching the Hernandez family.
A death record (1798) says an infant died of "Aygre". What is that? Same as Aigre? What does it mean? The only two definitions I've found don't help me much. One is "Flujo impetuoso del mar".
En varias ocasiones leí que un obispo de la Nueva Galicia, tal vez Alonso de la Mota y Escobar, visitó la región que ahora conforman los Altos de Jalisco y describió a su población española como
I've advanced my Ruiz line to Diego Ruiz-Nunes, md to Luisa or Catalina
Delgadillo, by way of their son, also Diego Ruz-Nunes and his wife, Anna
Gonzalez de Hermosillo, natural daughter of Pedro Gut
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