I have found errors made by transcribers and some make by the Scribe himself. A good example is finally finding my 5th GGrandmother Maria Antonia Gomez Hurtado de Mendoza with the transcribed name of Gonzales Hurtado de Mendoza. Makes research quite challenging.
You are correct. I have also found that corrections are not made when reported. Maybe they could adopt the Ancestry.com method of allowing you to list the alternate name/date/spelling/whatever along with the original information. It would at least give us a clue that there is a possible error in the report.
Researching: Romero, Romero y Chavez, de la Torre, Gomez Hurtado de Mendoza, Gutierrez, Padilla, Pena, Camarena
Fortunately for me, the error I found was not one of my ancestors. Someday, there is a chance that someone else will be looking for that person and they may not be able to find them. Too bad we can't correct it.
I've found errors too in other batches; reported it and no one does anything about it
Jose Carlos de Leon
Errors in transcribing
I have found errors made by transcribers and some make by the Scribe himself. A good example is finally finding my 5th GGrandmother Maria Antonia Gomez Hurtado de Mendoza with the transcribed name of Gonzales Hurtado de Mendoza. Makes research quite challenging.
You are correct. I have also found that corrections are not made when reported. Maybe they could adopt the Ancestry.com method of allowing you to list the alternate name/date/spelling/whatever along with the original information. It would at least give us a clue that there is a possible error in the report.
Researching: Romero, Romero y Chavez, de la Torre, Gomez Hurtado de Mendoza, Gutierrez, Padilla, Pena, Camarena
Errors in transcribing
Fortunately for me, the error I found was not one of my ancestors. Someday, there is a chance that someone else will be looking for that person and they may not be able to find them. Too bad we can't correct it.