Introduction / Any help with Maria de la Merced Gonzalez de Hermosillo Perez-Franco. is appreciated!
Hi. I am Miguel and am honored to be able to participate in this amazing community. Thank you Joseph! and Primos.
I’ve been working on a project for my wife for 8 months now on building her family three, but I’ve halted for 3 months on María Merced González (de Hermosillo Perez-Franco) / María (de la) Merced (Cleofás Micaela del Sacramento) González (Pérez)
She is reported on “Familias novohispanas. Un sistema de redes” and as Daughter to Rafael González de Hermosillo Zermeño and Mariana Josefa Pérez-Franco Prido
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However, I’ve not been able to match Rafael/Josefa to Merced on any other document (possibly because Mercedes only uses the last name Gonzalez and interchanges Mercedes for Maria de la Merced but mostly because I believe Rafael lived under the siege of the independence war). I've updated some more info on
I’ve found 7 sources transcribed bellow supporting its offsprings as well as dates and geographical congruence but no explicit reference to Rafael or Josefa. Hence, here are my questions:
- Are your aware of any other research / document connecting Rafael/Josefa to Mercedes?
- I only have a snippet of “torres de Jaen”. Would someone have page 314 to look?
- I’ve tried testamentos… but I am afraid this would not be successful given that Rafael Gonzalez Hermosillo lived turbulent times during the independence and also have not been able to locate the index for Lagos yet.
- Any other insight based on your expertise?
The research I have is below:
- Merced Gonzalez
- Registro fallecimiento de Blas Soto, cónyuge de Merced Gonzalez, – 27 de noviembre 1847 – San Pedro Piedra, Gto, México.
- Merced Gonzalez
- Matrimonio religioso Vidala Soto – 29 de mayo 1859 – Leon, Gto, México.
- Merced Gonzalez
- Registro matrimonio religioso Vidala Soto – 20 de junio 1859 – Leon, Gto, México.
- Maria Merced Gonzalez
- Registro fallecimiento – 19 de abril 1860 – Guanajuato, Gto, México.
- Maria Merced(es) González (de Soto))
- Defunción de hija Maria Vidal Soto – 6 de mayo 1922 - en Silao Guanajuato, Gto. México.
- A snippet from “Las Torres de Jaen de Mexico” stating that the Sotomayor and Gonzalez Hermosillo families were related, and Sotomayor changed its name to Soto.
- Historical notes on Rafael Gonzalez de Hermosillo during the independence times
- Historical notes on Toribio Esquivel Obregon (Married to Vidala Soto, Mercedes’ Granddaughter)
Attachment | Size |
Argumentos de consanguineeidad de Maria Merced y Vidala (3.48 MB) | 3.48 MB |
Gonzalez Hermosillo en la guerra (28.23 MB) | 28.23 MB |
Los Torres de Jaén en México
I also noticed you were looking for info out of the book: Los Torres de Jaén en México:
raíces, tronco y ramas de una estirpe milenaria
Gonzalo Torres Martínez
Editorial Jus, 1975 - Jaén (Spain) - 764 pages
Welcome to the club. I am also interested in the sources that this book may list.
The closest hard copy of the book for me is in the large LDS genealogy library in Salt Lake
City, Utah. There may be another library closer to you, as I live in Arizona.
I too am interested in this book, as it is my only source reference to the marriage date of
Bernabe Felipe de Torres and Ana "Anna" Zermeno. The book states they were married on 1 May
1739 in Lagos de Moreno. I have yet to find this in typical online Lagos and surrounding
parish records. I do believe the date of the marriage is correct, because I do have the 1739
marriage informacion record via the Arquidiocesis de Morelia at the following link:
I am currently using the 1 May 1739 date of marriage, but would like to find the source info.
The last date in the marriage information record is 2 April 1739, which is in the range for a
1 May 1739 marriage, after the Arquidiocesis approved the marriage.
Also, I am not sure that Lagos was the marriage location, as the document is drafted out of
Leon, Guanajuato, but the document also states that that Ana Zermeno was from Lagos de Moreno,
and Bernabe Felipe Torres was from Jaen, Spain, but he resided in Leon.
They very well could have been married in either location. The source is likely from another
Lagos record, such as a will, inquistion, notary, or land record.
Blas Soto (Mayor) - Merced Gonzales
Hi Miguel,
Welcome to the Nuestros Ranchos site!. I am one of 6 co-admins for the site, helping maintain the site "behind the scenes". This allows the great
folks that have ran this site for the last 20 years to operate the site. I really have not posted much on this site, since most of the relations of the
family of my wife are North of Jalisco, with the exception of some older Renteria and Reynoso families who I have researched over the years.
Several years ago my grand-son married into the Zermeno family, and hence my interest in this thread with your Merced Gonzales and Blas
Soto (mayor). The connection is distant, with the common ancestor being Antonio Tadeo Zermeno, baptized 25 Novemeber 1722 in Lagos.
Ysidro Gonzales de Hermosillo married Maria Gertrudis Zermeno on 13 January 1766 in Lagos. I have not researched this portion the family
much at all, since the connection is very distant, but Jose Rafael Gonzales de Hermosillo was one of their children, baptized in Lagos on
24 Sep 1776. Rafael Gonzales Zermeno married Maria San Josefa Peres Prido on 6 February 1805 in Lagos.
The 1805 marriage dispensation:
Registros matrimoniales diocesanos 1804 Caja 138
image 1252 of 1530
Late 1804 Marriage dispensation for Jose Rafael Gonsales (Gonsales Hermosillo Zermeno) and Maria San Josefa Peres (Peres Prido)
Rafael Gonsales is listed as originally from the Puesto of Agostadero (in San Juan de los Lagos?), but a resident of Lagos de Moreno.
Listed as the son of Ysidro Gonsales and Maria Gertrudis Zermeno. His age in 1804 was listed as 27 years old (placing birth year
circa 1777).
Maria Josefa Peres is listed as originally of Lagos de Moreno. Listed as the daughter of Jose Nicolas Peres (deceased) and Maria
de los Dolores Prido (living). Her age in 1804 was listed as 15 years old (placing birth year circa 1790)
The bride/groom were distantly related through the Zermeno family as follows:
Antonio Zermeno and Ana Zermeno were brother/sister
Antonio Zermeno was the father of Maria Gertrudis Zermeno, who was the mother of Rafael Gonsalez (groom)
Ana Zermeno was the mother of Ygnacia Torres, who was the mother of Dolores Prido, who was the mother of Maria San
Jose(fa) Peres (bride)
The 1839 Leon, Guanajuato marriage of Blas Soto (Mayor) and Merced Gonzales likely occurred about a month after the Information
Marriage was reviewed by the Arquidiócesis in Morelia, which appears to be approved at the end of the document, which is
dated 7 September 1839. Not always, but normally marriages follow about 30 days afterward. The Information Matrimonial document:
Morelia > Arquidiócesis de Morelia
Information matrimonial 1839
image 484 of 3359
The information of intent to marry was listed on 30 August 1839.
The main info:
Blas Soto was listed as 22 years of age in 1839, and noted as the son of Rafael Soto and Mateana Sardeneta.
Maria de la Merced Gonzales was listed as 26 years of age in 1839, and noted as the daughter of Rafael Gonzales and Josefa Perez
Prido (Josefa and Rafael both noted as deceased).
Also of interest was that both Blas and Merced could write well, and both signed this document.
Again, Welcome to this site.
This is why I love this site…
This is why I love this site. Excellent work Lee!
Re: Blas Soto (Mayor) - Merced Gonzales
Dear Lee,
After a week of traveling, last night I logged on and took a peek at the documment and my heart went over the moon. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude. Your support and kindness have made a significant difference, and I truly appreciate it Thank you.
Hi Miguel,I took a look and…
Hi Miguel,
I took a look and if I understand right the issue is you know Maria Merced Gonzalez and Blas Soto are your ancestors but you cannot determine with certainty who Maria Merced's parents are.
If that's the case, I see the tough spot. She died in 1860, prior to civil registration, and the death record does not list her parents.
I would try to locate her marriage record. Have you collected baptismal records for the couples children?
Thank you Alex. Correct. I…
Thank you Alex. Correct.
I have baptismal records for the couples' children (Vidala, Pedro and Agueda). All of them only cite one last name (gonzalez), reduce the last name (sotomayor to soto) and do not include grandparents!
I have not been able to locate the marriage record. I would have happened between 1808 and 1821 (originally from los lagos but seem to have emigrated nearby to piedra gorda). It seems the family took a toll in those years when the gonzalez hermosillo was about fighting.
Thank you!
Have you pulled the actual…
Have you pulled the actual source baptismal records yet? If so could you please post them? They may be from the era where grandparents were mentioned.
I found the baptismal…
I found the baptismal records and see there are no grandparents. Why do you place latest time for marriage as 1821? Vidala was baptized in Leon in Sept 1840, so latest for marriage was likely Jan 1840. Since the marriage isnt found in Lagos, I suspect it was in Leon late 1830s. Unfortunately the marriage and IM records for this period are not available. When I'm in this situation, I scour all dispensas with relevant last names (so Soto, Sotomayor etc) for hints. They would be available hopefully at some point on but they aren't into this era yet. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
I cannot tell what you have checked but.....
have you seen this tree? Lots of records with sources. Also, Blas Soto uses the name Blas Sotomayor and Blas Soto Mayor.....
Great catch!.... that is…
Great catch!.... that is actually the tree I am building... but i am going in circles with Mercedes.... thanks.