There is a tradition about this time concerning the naming of children after grandparents and great grandparents. This, among other information leads to a high probability as to who his parents are.
I came across the term "Gracinas" in the LDS records today. It was placed in lieu of a birth date under the "Events" section of a marriage record (the marriage details were all there).
I wanted to take the time to introduce myself. My name is Alexis Villagrana and I reside in Jefferson, Oregon USA. It's so nice to have found your group and was so thrilled to have joine
i was told that a priest has to submit a pedigree chart to the vatican when he enters the priesthood. if that is true can you request a copy of that pedigree chart?
Alguien a encontrado a Atenogenes Sigala, nacio alrededor de 1750-1780. Se caso con Regina Gomes. Tuvieron a Silverio Sigala. Silverio se casa con Victoria Gomes.
When gathering LDS records is it assumed that when they "Nochistlan, Zac." they mean Nochistlan de Mejia, Zac. or do they mean the smaller town to the North East called simply Nochistlan.
Dear Group,
I've come across two new situations that have become stumbling blocks to my reseach. I refer to them as stumbling blocks, not brick walls, because I believe it's just a matter of m
I live in Rancho Cucamonga, which is about 60 miles east of L.A. and is
right next to the Ontario International Airport (ONT). The ONT is much more
easily accessible than LAX.
Can some one tell me how to call to Mexico if I have a 1800 number. Do I need to dial 01152-800-XXX-XXX I have tried so many ways and I can not get it right.
A todos los que me han mostrado su interes en ayudar con la transcripcion de Testamentos y Documentos antiguos de Aguascalientes les aviso que ya lo pueden accesar.
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