I just found record of ancestors from this area and wanted to ask if any of you
had any interesting information to share regarding this area. The family
I would like to mention about the Indigenous Huichole Indians that inhabit the region. Because on my maternal grandparents side, my maternal grandfather has Huichole ancestry.
I just found record of ancestors from this area and wanted to ask if any of you
had any interesting information to share regarding this area. The family
Hi Aaron, you seem to know a lot about the R1b Haplogroup and have probably done a lot more research on the topic than me, so can you or any other member here help me decipher this???
Disculpen mi ignorancia, pero alguien podría decirme si las familias
Gonzalez de Hermosillo y Gonzalez Rubio en algún punto descienden de una
misma persona o sin son
I am researching my maternal 5th great grandparents, Juan Manuel de Villalpando married to Gertrudis de Soto, on 20 Feb 1757 in Teocaltiche, Jalisco, Mexico.
I'm not sure how much longer the group will continue with the "Mixture
of Clans" topic but why not lets move it over to the General List (note:
for those of you new to the group that means that
The 1 hour per week is an average. Might be a little more some weeks a
little less others. The job is to create folders for me when new members
join the group.
Alguno de ustedes tiene informacion acerca de Diego Zermeño(Sermeño)quien fue depositario del ayuntaminto de Santa Maria de Los Lagos, en 1683 *, mismo tiempo en que fueron regidores Juan Vazquez de
Angelina Markle has generously donated her time and talent to transcribe and transliterate the census of the 500 Tlaxcalan families that went to Jalisco, Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi in 1591.
This is my first time using this site. BuenaVentura Rojas was born in Cueva Grande Valle de Valpariso Zacatecas. Ventura was born about 1880 and married Leandra Betancourt on 1902.
Jose de Leon Brito was a "vecino of Zacatecas and a retail merchant." After the death of his wife, Antonia Ursula Duran, and on the request of his mother in law Polonia, on 3 May 1679 he left money t
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