Grupo Genealógico Nuestros Ranchos Genealogy Group

This group is for serious genealogists actively searching for lineages in the states of Jalisco, Zacatecas and Aguascalientes of Mexico.

Este grupo es para genealogistas serios quienes buscan linajes en los estados de Jalisco, Zacatecas y Aguascalientes. Para ver este sitio en español, haga click aquí.

IMPORTANT:If you are interested in becoming a member, please read the following list of requirements. before registering for an account.

Help with XIX century mystery Jalisco

According to the informacion matrimonial of my ancestor Emeterio Ramirez who got married in Michoacan in 1858 he was 38 during that time and was from Teocaltiche Jalisco. It also says his parents were Santiago Ramirez and Rafaela Ponce but after reading other documents I think his father was actually called Santos Ramirez. 

Most of the files from that era and place including surrounding areas in Jalisco are indexed but I actually checked them anyway and found nothing. Apparently the family moved to Michoacan at some point but the only one who returned or remained there was his sister Josefa Ramirez who married Juan Gomez in 1847 in Atotonilco el Alto, Jalisco. 

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong in my research, I dont have experience with this region so I would like to read other opinions on this brickwall. 


Hola a todos,

Perhaps some of you already know of this, in which case it’s old news, but for some time, FamilySearch has made available access to the padrones of Jalostotitlán, beginning in 1650 (of which those of the 17th century are handily transcribed and published in a series of books by Sergio Gutiérrez, which I highly recommend):

1650-1837 Jalostotitlán padrones:…

And I just noticed the other day that they have finally uploaded the padrones of 1649 and 1689:

1649 Jalostotitlán:…

1689 Jalostotitlán:…

Rosas last name

Hi Community and thank you very much for accepting me, I've been investigating several years regarding the last name Rosas which is a very common last name in San Martin Hidalgo, Jalisco.


I was able to track my Ancestor Domingo de Roxas which was married to Joana Berrinches and had a son called Domingo Gregorio de Rosas which is also my direct ancestor, Domingo Gregorio was born 1728 in "Cañada de Botas" in Cocula, what I'm trying to know if is the Ancestor Domingo de Roxas was the same that was born in Guadalajara son of Nicolas de Rosas Gonzalez Romero and Ysabel Guzman Paz, since I have not found any marriage certificate from Domingo de Roxas and Joana Berrinches in Cocula, and I reviewed a lot of documents.

If you have something regarding this or if you could point me in the right direction I'll appreciate, or if you are also investigating Rosas I could add to your research

Thanks in advance!

Help finding lost dispensa

There is a dispensa that I misplaced notes or more likely didn't take notes on it. It lists two brothers: one Bernardino de Isla and the other Bernardino de Sandoval. From what i recall, the visual writing makes it liking between 1700 and 1750, and the relationship was in the narrative form within a paragraph (not separate from paragraph and listed line by line) and likely on the first page. The location was likely either Nochistlan, Teocaltiche, Tepatitlan, or Jalostotitlan.

I have tried searching the dispensas again, but have not found it, which makes me think it might be from a marriage information or from some other location.

No Pork with Cheese, is this a Jewish influence ?

i would like to ask about a family dietary  custom 

My fathers Tia Abuela.. always got very nervous if someone ate 

Pork with any Dairy product.  Saying " it would make bumps on the Face ' and admonishing anyone who even considered it.. 

Could this be a handed down Jewish dietary custom. ?

eating a Pork Taco  with cheese is not something i've ever seen in Mexico, and i never have been so inclined.. it doesn''t see to go together. 

Has anyone ever heard of this ?

Introduction / help with Maria de la Merced Gonzalez de Hermosillo Perez-Franco

Introduction / Any help with  Maria de la Merced Gonzalez de Hermosillo Perez-Franco. is appreciated!

Hi. I am Miguel and am honored to be able to participate in this amazing community.  Thank you Joseph! and Primos.

I’ve been working on a project for my wife for 8 months now on building her family three, but I’ve halted for 3 months on María Merced González (de Hermosillo Perez-Franco) / María (de la) Merced (Cleofás Micaela del Sacramento) González (Pérez)

She is reported on “Familias novohispanas. Un sistema de redes” and as Daughter to Rafael González de Hermosillo Zermeño and Mariana Josefa Pérez-Franco Prido  

Searching for Huejuquilla el Alto and Valparaiso Families (Diaz,Banuelos,Perez,Carrillo)

Hello everyone, first of all, can someone please tell me if a person was born in Valparaiso during 1750-1800's, besides Huejuquilla el Alto, what other film (Parish) can I search through.

Help understanding document. Ana de Herrera (Juan Marin de Penaloza)

I need help understanding this document. I think it says Juan de Analis and Francisca de Herrera are the maternal grandparents, but then who are Diego Vasquez de Buendia and Juana Velasquez? Are they the great grandparents?

México, Jalisco, registros parroquiales, 1590-2022," database with images, FamilySearch(… : 28 June 2014), Guadalajara > Diócesis de Guadalajara > Capellanías 1685-1855 > image 517 of 615; parroquias Católicas (Catholic Church parishes), Jalisco.

Ongoing search for ORNELAS Orgin.

Hello all.
Been a few years since I last posted here, and glad to see the site is still strong.
Some kind person, whose name I stupidly forgot helped me trace my ancestry a ways back and now I suspect that our origin may have been José "Jusepe" de Ornelas,  In San Juan De Los Lagos, and that his father or grandfather may have been Álvaro de Ornelas y Perestrello, born 1561, in Caniço, Santa Cruz, Madeira, Portugal,  and that his father was João Alvaro De Ornelas E Vasconcelos, born 1538, and that our entire family line begins in Santa María de los Lagos, Intendencia de Guadalajara, Reino de Nueva Galicia, New Spain.
Anyone with better information or who can help  figure out where our name Came from originally  (I believe it cams from Santa Comba De Fornelas, Puebla del Brollón, provincia de Lugo, Galicia, (Spain)  or its  etymology, (I have three separate theories) please feel free to contact me!

The mtDNA of Josefa Diaz marrried with Miguel Diaz Montañez

Hey all,  

It has been some time since I have posted. I recently asked a granddaughter of my great-great grandfather Antonio Lopez’s sister who is direct living female descendant of Josefa Diaz and Miguel Diaz Montanez (son of Juan Montanez and Sebastiana Diez).  

A bit of background, according to a tree online, Josefa Diaz and Miguel Diaz Montanez wed on April 7, 1641, en Pinos, Zac, Reino de Nueva Galicia. I do not think I have their marriage document. Perhaps her parents are shown on their marriage doc? 

Josefa Diaz is of significant importance to me because not only do I descend from her on this line, but I am also a descendant of her on eleven other lines.  

Testamentaria de Aguascalientes de las Familias Gallardo, Gil, Macías de Ortega, Quezada, Salas de Bonilla, etc.

Hola amigos, desde hace tiempo quiero conseguir algunos testamentos para mi investigación genealógica y no se como conseguirlos, no se si ustedes me pueden proporcionar ayuda en este sentido.

Quiero conseguir el testamento de Francisco Gil, que murió en 1720 y que testó ante Don Baltazar de Aguilera. También quisiera saber donde y como conseguir memorias extrajudiciales, no se si existen todavía o no.

New Member

Hello, I'm Valerie Cefre, maiden name Garcia (y Guzman), and I'm very excited to join such an incredible group of people dedicated to chronicling the past for our future generations to enjoy! My mother was born in Zacatecas and my father was born in southern California and for most of my life, that's all I really knew about either side of my extended family. Both my parents had difficult childhoods which meant that they generally avoided taking about the past. It wasn't until my paternal grandmother was in her last days that my extended family (her in-laws) came to visit, from Texas! I was surprised to see my great uncles in Wrangler jeans, boots, and cowboy hats. My dad casually said that his father's side was from Corpus Christi as if it were common knowledge. Years later, my husband wanted to work on his family tree and I decided to do my side along with him but I didn't expect to find much since my mother was born in Nochistlán and my dad's maternal side came from Nuevo León. I was very surprised to find that the Mexican civil records and Catholic church records were so detailed and easy to find. By about my 4th generation in, I was hooked.