Few days ago we were commenting on how in Family Search there is been a huge amount of records modified and wrongly merged (on purpose) by trolls, been the most notorious "Mbarrena" who also goes by o
I have recently done a genealogy test, where I sent some swabs with saliva via mail, and I received results that were a bit surprising. Well, very surprising to me, as a matter of fact.
Guillermo Tovar de Teresa un día me llamó para decirme que había hallado información indicando que nuestros Rojas eran Rojas y Sandoval y habían estado en la ciudad de Puebla de los Ángeles.
I use DreamHost as the ISP for the nuestrosranchos.org website. For quite awhile now our version of Drupal has been out of date and DreamHost says they will upgrade to the latest version.
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