Might anyone have any additional information on my ancestor Maria Gutierres De Hermosillo who married Nicolas De Quesada on 08 Feb 1717 in Nochistlan Zac.
I have been researching the Jerez area for some time. As I have found in many parts of my family, the intermarriage between families is breath-taking and predictable.
Im trying to find these individuals parents as well but i just can't seem to find them either they are form nochistlan zacatecas i descend from their son Jose Del Refugio Jauregui he married Maria Enc
Perhaps someone knows a "next step" and can help me continue to build a
family tree. I am looking for an ancestor, "Manuel Carrillo Buezo" born
sometime in the late 1700's.
As I've been trying to put together a family tree of my Pinedo line, I was thinking that I should share my progress for any others doing Pinedo research.
I am not an LDS and need someone to access some information submitted on my family. If you can help me can you please send me an email at: shcorona@gmail.com
thank you so much
I am trying to do some research on my grandfather Trinidad Martinez, but have not been able o find his place of birth. I am using "familysearch.org/mexico-genealogy" He was born
Para los interesados en los orígenes genealógicos del Mariscal José María
Gonzalez de Hermosillo, aquí les envío el siguiente link http://www.rickrod.com/jmgh con los res
I am new to this forum and would like to get some great tips on the best researching methods.
So far, I have been using "familysearch.org/mexico-genealogy" to get information.
I am a descendant of Antonio Romo and Juana Olivo who married abt 1870 in San Luis Potosi. I have heard an old family rumor that they ran away together to marry.
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